
Forestry ecological Consultants Solway Ecology

Forestry services at a glance

  • Walkover surveys and coupe checks
  • Pre-afforestation surveys and Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA)
  • Protected species monitoring and licensing
  • Preliminary ecological appraisal
  • Bird surveys
  • Peat depth surveys
  • Ecological clerk of works
  • Ecological input to forest management plans
  • Vegetation surveys (NVC)

Ecological solutions for the forestry industry

Solway Ecology has carried out a number of projects within the forestry sector including ecological assessments for the high profile holiday lodge and tourism infrastructure development at Forestry Commission Scotland’s Glentress site, near Peebles in the Scottish Borders.

Protected species are not only likely to be resident within commercial forest plantations, but sometimes, they can be found in abundance. This is especially so in Scotland where forests experience low-levels of disturbance from people, especially away from forest trails. Being large and remote, forest sites present their own challenges requiring the use of high-spec GPS equipment. Furthermore, workable light beneath the forest canopy in the winter months can be as little as 5 hours. 

However, Solway Ecology is experienced in carrying out a wide range of ecological services within the forestry environment from pre-operational protected species surveys, interventions in cases where protected species issues arise during works and general scoping surveys through to site-wide surveys and species mapping, supervision of works near to sensitive sites, for example and forest road installation near to otter holts or badger setts.

Our experience covers working with a range of mammals including pine marten and red squirrels as well as specialist ornithology work including nest searches and territory mapping with golden eagle, osprey, hen harrier, goshawk, black grouse, etc. 

Call 013873 80950 today for more information and to discuss how we can help you.

Red Squirrel monitoring by Solway Ecology , Langhold, Dumfries and Galloway
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